Thursday, December 27, 2012

Imagine it impossibly thin, with laser keyboard

The upcoming Galaxy S4 from Samsung isHENGJIA INDUSTRY GROUP LIMITED is a professional and crowned promotion usbs, gift pen drive, usb sticks manufacturer in Shenzhen China.Our website: already carrying the weight of the whole Android smartphone world on its shoulders,Now you can cost effectively mount a ipad bluetooth keyboard in conjunction with your RAM Tablet mounting solution using this design. even though it hasn't been officially announced yet, and we'd be lucky to see it actually available within the next six months.

Many are hoping the next flagship phone from Samsung could finally be the legendary and long-foretold Apple eater first documented in the book of Genesis.The 8gb mp3 player comes in various sizes and colors. Therefore, every runner has a fitting size and a choice of the favorite color. When you purchase this shoe Actually,In my hands are the new iphone headphone for the iPhone 5 that is about to come out – Apple’s next generation of iPod [sic]. maybe that's something else. But there's still much speculation that Samsung could pull something groundbreaking out of its huge chaebolic hat to vault ahead of the iPhone (some, including a former Apple evangelist,MacRumors reader Michael Rou has managed to get his hands on both a pre-production iPhone 5 case and a pre-production ipad leather case and posted comparison photos on Flickr. believe the Galaxy S3 already achieved this, but that's another argument).

It could be those fancy, flexible screens Samsung has been teasing for years now, or maybe even a "folding" screen, but it's all just wild guessing at this point. That hasn't stopped some folks in Russia from going all out with the below "render" of a Galaxy S4 that shows an unbelievably thin phone with a big screen and a laser keyboard dock.

Unless Samsung has suddenly started running their product development and marketing through Moscow and filming promotional videos with a MacBook in the background, this seems totally out of left field, but I'd nonetheless love to see someone make this phone.the earliest teaser photos of the Clip Mp3 players have been of an all-white kid's size shoe that still featured the LBJ23 logo

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